Hi, My name is Wayne. I'm 31 years old and have been married for almost 9 years. My wife and I love to travel. If it weren't for limited vacation time from work and the small problem of "cash flow" we would probably be on the road constantly.
Other than travel, I am very much into music and have a makeshift recording studio in our apartment. I am a guitar player but dabble in keyboards also. I have recently taken up the violin but so far it still sounds like a dying cat when I play and I'm not sure how long my patience with it will hold up.
I also enjoy painting but, like the violin, it's much harder than it looks and, besides, it's just for stress relief anyway.
I have a strong interest in history and at the moment..this interest has lead me to the age of the Vikings and their possible discovery of North America around the year 1000 A.D. I think I see for myself a Scandinavian vacation in the future!.
My personal home page details the places I've been since 1991 and can be found here.